THE RAIN EON CAGLI FROM THAT PUTS THE BLACK ON WHITE If Bartezzaghi, Peres and other established enigmatographers deal maker of our home games
Milanese and Roman each other, the first and ludolinguista giocologo the second, and both essayists of success, you can make a conclusion as Stefano Bartezzaghi and Ennio Peres are the two "enigmofili" the most famous in Italy. As if to say that if Oedipus (symbol dell'enigmistica) Jesus was, they would be Peter and Paul.
Stefano Bartezzaghi, ludolinguista Milan success graduated in Umberto Eco, is the son of the late Piero
(Peter Anagrafe), author of Italy's most famous crossword.
Ennio Peres, a mathematician became Roman giocologo which boasts the world's hardest puzzles.
Well, Bartezzaghi and Peres have recently occupied by Leo Pantaleoni. In the Pocket "The helmet of Don Quixote," here's what he wrote the first anthology of the puzzle Leone "Sodom and Gomorrah:" I have to answer to the riddle beautiful phrases, but the phrases are not infinite and it is increasingly hard to make a beautiful puzzle. After the golden years, from the fifties to the seventies of the last century has begun to think that the phrases were already fully used, but a Rebussi, he noticed that a sentence that did not seem useful to a puzzle in reality it was . The phrase "Sodom and Gomorrah," and that Rebussi noticed that it contained an alternative you could illustrate with a gladiator S grappling with a lion EG: S or breaking EG or die. It is not the Recherche, but of its kind, is a masterpiece and is a creative masterpiece that would say Anaxagoras "together were all the things (in this case letters Sodom and Gomorrah) and the intellect to separate it and put in order. " Moving on to Ennio Peres, in his review, he writes literally: "Some found the original Lion Cagli entered the history dell'enigmistica for helping to open new and exciting areas of research. Recently, he has produced a brochure containing thirty challenging puzzles, all very elegant. cryptographic In terms of games, uncomfortable praise such as "remarkable and worthy of an anthology and the beautiful phrase" express flattering judgments about Leo from Cagli also Atlas and Pepin the Short, or two of the best known and popular "experts" of our country.