burn again, in our province, the echoes of a deep-rooted tradition of the Feast of the Immaculate. This is the ignition of bonfires along the roads less traveled in open spaces or uninhabited suburb (now increasingly rare because of traffic and concrete). I remember, I was born in Cagli, general anxiety that the appeal of the fire aroused dall'atavico joined the special concern of the mothers so that little children do not end up trampling close to a heat source capable of causing damage irreparable lapilli spat with only here and there like glittering confetti.
branches, twigs, straw and brushwood, begging from house to house and transported personally by the neighboring suburbs, were usually boys and girls to deal with the supply of material to burn. That was the sun dropped, we set fire to flammable pile and soon everyone singing and dancing around like a sabbath invigorating fire. Meanwhile, like coals of hell, gl'immancabili bold (reckless?) Were used in leaping tongues of fire accompanied by applause more or less, it is appropriate to say, warm. A combustion is complete, with shovels and rakes, and women Men do not leave absolutely miss the wonderful opportunity to fill the belly of coals glowing braziers copper or brass in order to give manforte the fireplace in the warming of cold homes. Better late than never, and even better ... fireworks than ever, with the passage of years, according to the purifying fire, echoed - and echoed! - The bursts of fireworks crackers. Needless to gloss by saying that by then the danger level touched the limit of 'integrity to persons or property. I recall with renewed pain that happened to my friend from drowning in her tears for having played a coat with lapin neck just raised. Go to the ancestral and sacred fire resistant and agree that the fur is still better than Pellacchia. But sacrificing bought an expensive coat to the sound of hard-earned cash, this would be too much even for the most observant of the vestal virgins.
Leone Pantaleoni
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