Sunday, May 9, 2010

Kates Playgroud O Face


Sunday, May 9th is a holiday dedicated to the mother. As a breast full of milk, is the word turgid, Mom, for the puzzle. Omovocalica and omoconsonantica (admits only "a" and one "m"), boasts that it is also what they say in a direct antipode. It simply means that if you are still holding the first letter (m) and turn the rest of the word (Amma), mom always says. Curiously, the same is true for "father", while in the case of "father", there would bobba (gruel thick and disgusting). This thing would generate the so-called two-faced father and Bobbi because they are no longer the same. Product par excellence of babbling, namely the first syllables coming out of the mouth of the child, mother is etymologically voice and intimately linked to breast cancer. Overflowing in proverbs (the mother who has never cry, my mother is the angel of the house, the mother is the angel of the hearth, there is only one of Mom, etc..) In the Latin "mater semper est certain , pater numquam "remembers how, if the identification of the trademark female is indubitable, the same thing can not be said for the male. By Beniamino Gigli, Claudio Villa "Mom" to "Viva la mamma" of Jackson, through the "Why all the beautiful moms of the world" by Giorgio Consolini, even in music not joking. With "Nothing serious, I am pregnant, already since 1973 the cinema has created the "mother" but not "Babba." And as between father and Abba is a short step, here is returning to dance the song with the incorruptible "Mamma Mia" the evergreen complex Sweden. Even mothers mammone distance is laughable and mammon, you know, is the child who does not intend to let go of the skirt tongue. Regressive latter that the resurgence of current spread to the child grown-up and in super busy neologism "big baby". Finally, in terms of mother, pride of place certainly belongs to Mary. With the 'behold your mother "facing one of the rattles to the apostle John, a Jesus I forget the cross, has it tenderly and finally delivered.

Leone Pantaleoni


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